Built From The Same Chassis
, 2019Details
Materials vary by work
Sizes vary by work
MEGA Gallery, Built From The Same Chassis Milan, IT, 2019

Built From The Same Chassis
, 2019Details
Materials vary by work
Sizes vary by work
MEGA Gallery, Built From The Same Chassis Milan, IT, 2019

L'immagino di riferimento al quale attinge per le sue produzione è quello americano domestico degli anni 80 - 90. Negli spazi di MEGA realizzerà un'installazione multimediale e immersive che stravolgerà totalmente la prospettiva dello spazio espositivo.
The reference image he draws on for his productions is the American domestic one of the 80s - 90s. In the spaces of MEGA he will create a multimedia and immersive installation that will completely change the perspective of the exhibition space.

033 Hug Bed